SASjs is a JavaScript adapter for SAS.


  • SASjs



  • Checks whether a session is active, or login is required.


    • a promise which resolves with an object containing two values - a boolean isLoggedIn, and a string userName.

    Returns Promise<LoginResultInternal>

  • Returns void

  • Creates a compute context on the given server.


    • contextName: string

      the name of the context to be created.

    • launchContextName: string

      the name of the launcher context used by the compute service.

    • sharedAccountId: string

      the ID of the account to run the servers for this context as.

    • autoExecLines: string[]

      the lines of code to execute during session initialization.

    • accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    • Optional authorisedUsers: string[]

      an optional list of authorised user IDs.

    Returns Promise<Context>

  • Creates a file in the logical SAS folder tree


    • fileName: string

      name of the file to be created.

    • content: Buffer

      content of the file to be created.

    • parentFolderPath: string

      the full path (eg /Public/example/myFolder) of the parent folder.

    • Optional parentFolderUri: string

      the URI of the parent folder.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      the access token to authorizing the request.

    • Optional sasApiClient: SASViyaApiClient

      a client for interfacing with SAS API.

    Returns Promise<File>

  • Creates a folder in the logical SAS folder tree


    • folderName: string

      name of the folder to be created.

    • parentFolderPath: string

      the full path (eg /Public/example/myFolder) of the parent folder.

    • Optional parentFolderUri: string

      the URI of the parent folder.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      the access token to authorizing the request.

    • Optional sasApiClient: SASViyaApiClient

      a client for interfacing with SAS API.

    • Optional isForced: boolean

      flag that indicates if target folder already exists, it and all subfolders have to be deleted. Applicable for SAS VIYA only.

    Returns Promise<Folder>

  • Parameters

    • jobName: string
    • code: string
    • Optional parentFolderPath: string
    • Optional parentFolderUri: string
    • Optional accessToken: string
    • Optional sasApiClient: SASViyaApiClient

    Returns Promise<{
        etag: string;
        result: Job;

  • Creates a launcher context on the given server.


    • contextName: string

      the name of the context to be created.

    • description: string

      the description of the context to be created.

    • launchType: string

      launch type of the context to be created.

    • accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<Context>

  • Parameters

    • contextName: string
    • accessToken: string

    Returns Promise<Session>

  • Parameters

    • clientId: string
    • accessToken: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Deletes a compute context on the given server.


    • contextName: string

      the name of the context to be deleted.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<{
        etag: string;
        result: Context;

  • For performance (and in case of accidental error) the deleteFolder function does not actually delete the folder (and all its content and subfolder content). Instead the folder is simply moved to the recycle bin. Deletion time will be added to the folder name.


    • folderPath: string

      the full path (eg /Public/example/deleteThis) of the folder to be deleted.

    • accessToken: string

      an access token for authorizing the request.

    Returns Promise<undefined | Folder>

  • Creates the folders and services at the given location appLoc on the given server serverUrl.


    • serviceJson: any

      the JSON specifying the folders and services to be created.

    • Optional appLoc: string

      the base folder in which to create the new folders and services. If not provided, is taken from SASjsConfig.

    • Optional serverUrl: string

      the server on which to deploy the folders and services. If not provided, is taken from SASjsConfig.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an optional access token to be passed in when using this function from the command line.

    • isForced: boolean = false

      flag that indicates if target folder already exists, it and all subfolders have to be deleted.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Turns off verbose mode to log every HTTP response.

    Returns void

  • Updates a compute context on the given server.


    • contextName: string

      the original name of the context to be deleted.

    • editedContext: EditContextInput

      an object with the properties to be updated.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<{
        etag: string;
        result: Context;

  • Enables verbose mode that will log a summary of every HTTP response.


    • Optional successCallBack: ((response: AxiosResponse<any, any> | AxiosError<unknown, any>) => AxiosResponse<any, any>)

      function that should be triggered on every HTTP response with the status 2**.

        • (response: AxiosResponse<any, any> | AxiosError<unknown, any>): AxiosResponse<any, any>
        • Parameters

          • response: AxiosResponse<any, any> | AxiosError<unknown, any>

          Returns AxiosResponse<any, any>

    • Optional errorCallBack: ((response: AxiosResponse<any, any> | AxiosError<unknown, any>) => AxiosResponse<any, any>)

      function that should be triggered on every HTTP response with the status different from 2**.

        • (response: AxiosResponse<any, any> | AxiosError<unknown, any>): AxiosResponse<any, any>
        • Parameters

          • response: AxiosResponse<any, any> | AxiosError<unknown, any>

          Returns AxiosResponse<any, any>

    Returns void

  • Executes job on SASJS server.


    a promise that resolves into job execution result and log.


    • query: ExecutionQuery

      an object containing job path and debug level.

    • appLoc: string

      an application path.

    • Optional authConfig: AuthConfig

      an object for authentication.

    Returns Promise<undefined | {
        log: any;
        result: any;

  • Executes code on a SAS server.


    • __namedParameters: ExecuteScriptParams

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Fetches content of the log file


    • logUrl: string

      url of the log file.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Exchanges the auth code for an access token for the given client.


    • clientId: string

      the client ID to authenticate with.

    • clientSecret: string

      the client secret to authenticate with.

    • authCode: string

      the auth code received from the server.

    Returns Promise<SasAuthResponse | SASjsAuthResponse>

  • Parameters

    • clientId: string

    Returns Promise<null | string>

  • Returns a JSON representation of a compute context.


    • contextId: string

      an id of the context to return.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<ContextAllAttributes>

  • Returns a JSON representation of a compute context. @example: { "createdBy": "admin", "links": [...], "id": "ID", "version": 2, "name": "context1" }


    • contextName: string

      the name of the context to return.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<Context>

  • Gets compute contexts.


    • accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<{
        attributes: {};
        createdBy: any;
        id: any;
        name: any;
        version: any;

  • Parameters

    • type: "general" | "file" = 'general'

    Returns undefined | CsrfToken

  • Gets default(system) launcher contexts.

    Returns string[]

  • Gets executable compute contexts.


    • authConfig: AuthConfig

      an access token, refresh token, client and secret for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Fetches a folder from the SAS file system.


    • folderPath: string

      path of the folder to be fetched.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      the access token to authorize the request.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Gets launcher contexts.


    • accessToken: string

      an access token for an authorised user.

    Returns Promise<{
        attributes: {};
        createdBy: any;
        id: any;
        name: any;
        version: any;

  • Returns the username of the user currently logged in.

    Returns string

  • Lists children folders for given Viya folder.


    • sourceFolder: string

      the full path (eg /Public/example/myFolder) or URI of the source folder listed. Providing URI instead of path will save one extra request.

    • Optional accessToken: string

      an access token for authorizing the request.

    • Optional limit: number

    Returns Promise<undefined | any[]>

  • Logs into the SAS server with the supplied credentials.


    • Optional username: string

      a string representing the username.

    • Optional password: string

      a string representing the password.

    • Optional clientId: string

      a string representing the client ID.

    • options: LoginOptions = {}

    Returns Promise<LoginResult>

  • Logs out of the configured SAS server.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Moves folder to a new location. The folder may be renamed at the same time.


    • sourceFolder: string

      the full path (eg /Public/example/myFolder) or URI of the source folder to be moved. Providing URI instead of path will save one extra request.

    • targetParentFolder: string

      the full path or URI of the parent folder to which the sourceFolder will be moved (eg /Public/newDestination). To move a folder, a user has to have write permissions in targetParentFolder. Providing URI instead of path will save one extra request.

    • targetFolderName: string

      the name of the "moved" folder. If left blank, the original folder name will be used (eg myFolder in /Public/newDestination/myFolder for the example above). Optional field.

    • accessToken: string

      an access token for authorizing the request.

    Returns Promise<undefined | Folder>

  • Exchanges the refresh token for an access token for the given client.


    • clientId: string

      the client ID to authenticate with.

    • clientSecret: string

      the client secret to authenticate with.

    • refreshToken: string

      the refresh token received from the server.

    Returns Promise<SasAuthResponse | SASjsAuthResponse>

  • Makes a request to program specified in SASjob (could be a Viya Job, a SAS 9 Stored Process, or a SASjs Server Stored Program). The response object will always contain table names in lowercase, and column names in uppercase. Values are returned formatted by default, unformatted values can be configured as an option in the %webout macro.


    • sasJob: string

      the path to the SAS program (ultimately resolves to the SAS _program parameter to run a Job Definition or SAS 9 Stored Process). Is prepended at runtime with the value of appLoc.

    • data: null | {
          [key: string]: any;

      a JSON object containing one or more tables to be sent to SAS. For an example of the table structure, see the project README. This value can be null if no inputs are required.

    • config: {
          [key: string]: any;
      } = {}

      provide any changes to the config here, for instance to enable/disable debug. Any change provided will override the global config, for that particular function call.

      • [key: string]: any
    • Optional loginRequiredCallback: (() => any)

      a function that is called if the user is not logged in (eg to display a login form). The request will be resubmitted after successful login. When using a loginRequiredCallback, the call to the request will look, for example, like so: await request(sasJobPath, data, config, () => setIsLoggedIn(false)) If you are not passing in any data and configuration, it will look like so: await request(sasJobPath, {}, {}, () => setIsLoggedIn(false))

        • (): any
        • Returns any

    • Optional authConfig: AuthConfig
    • extraResponseAttributes: ExtraResponseAttributes[] = []

      a array of predefined values that are used to provide extra attributes (same names as those values) to be added in response Supported values are declared in ExtraResponseAttributes type.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Sets the debug state. Turning this on will enable additional logging in the adapter.


    • value: boolean

      boolean indicating debug state (on/off).

    Returns void

  • Sets the SASjs configuration.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Sets verbose mode.


    • verboseMode: VerboseMode

      value of the verbose mode, can be true, false or bleached(without extra colors).

    Returns void

  • Kicks off execution of the given job via the compute API.


    an object representing the compute session created for the given job.


    • sasJob: string

      the path to the SAS program (ultimately resolves to the SAS _program parameter to run a Job Definition or SAS 9 Stored Process). Is prepended at runtime with the value of appLoc.

    • data: any

      a JSON object containing one or more tables to be sent to SAS. Can be null if no inputs required.

    • config: any = {}

      provide any changes to the config here, for instance to enable/disable debug. Any change provided will override the global config, for that particular function call.

    • Optional authConfig: AuthConfig

      a valid client, secret, refresh and access tokens that are authorised to execute compute jobs. The access token is not required when the user is authenticated via the browser.

    • Optional waitForResult: boolean

      a boolean that indicates whether the function needs to wait for execution to complete.

    • Optional pollOptions: PollOptions

      an object that represents poll interval(milliseconds) and maximum amount of attempts. Object example: { maxPollCount: 24 * 60 * 60, pollInterval: 1000 }. More information available at src/api/viya/pollJobState.ts.

    • printPid: boolean = false

      a boolean that indicates whether the function should print (PID) of the started job.

    • Optional variables: MacroVar

      an object that represents macro variables.

    • Optional verboseMode: VerboseMode

      boolean or a string equal to 'bleached' to enable verbose mode (log every HTTP response).

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Uploads a file to the given service.


    • sasJob: string

      the path to the SAS program (ultimately resolves to the SAS _program parameter to run a Job Definition or SAS 9 Stored Process). Is prepended at runtime with the value of appLoc.

    • files: UploadFile[]

      array of files to be uploaded, including File object and file name.

    • params: null | {
          [key: string]: any;

      request URL parameters.

    • config: {
          [key: string]: any;
      } = {}

      provide any changes to the config here, for instance to enable/disable debug. Any change provided will override the global config, for that particular function call.

      • [key: string]: any
    • Optional loginRequiredCallback: (() => any)

      a function that is called if the user is not logged in (eg to display a login form). The request will be resubmitted after successful login.

        • (): any
        • Returns any

    Returns Promise<unknown>

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